Thursday, July 22, 2010

How to save time when using the microwave.

If you have a keypad operated timer and want to cook for one minute, instead of pressing 1, 0, 0 press 6, 0!

Obviously, 60 seconds is the same as 1 minute, but it requires 1 less button press!


  1. haha, on some microwaves you can just press the start button once or twice depending if it is 30sec or 1min.

  2. And for one and a half minutes, you could press 9 0 seconds!

  3. Hey guys-

    I'm really enjoying your blog. good stuff! I like that there's other people out there who would care enough to post about one microwave button push! Also liked the post about single guys, and the one where you cut up your socks to keep your pj's from riding:) Gold.

  4. Thankyou kindly! and thank goodness for blogspot too, without which all these profound thoughts would be trapped inside our brains to the great detriment of humanity. If I've saved one person from unnecessary microwave button pushes it has all been worth it.
